Banned Books for Summer Reading June 30, 2022 1984 (Signet Classics)Orwell, George Animal FarmOrwell, George Fahrenheit 451: A NovelBradbury, Ray The Catcher in the RyeSalinger, J. D. Brave New WorldHuxley, Aldous Harry Potter and the Goblet of FireRowling, J.K. The Handmaid's TaleAtwood, Margaret Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets #2Rowling, JK Lord of the FliesGolding, William Adventures of Huckleberry FinnTwain, Mark A Wrinkle in TimeL'Engle, Madeleine The Hunger GamesCollins, Suzanne The Picture of Dorian GrayWilde, Oscar On the Origin of Species (Penguin Classics)Darwin, Charles Catching Fire (The Second Book of the Hunger Games)Collins, Suzanne The Fault in Our StarsGreen, John East Of EdenSteinbeck, John Of Mice and MenSteinbeck, John The Perks of Being a WallflowerChbosky, Stephen MetamorphosisKafka, Franz The OutsidersHinton, S. E. Howl & Other PoemsGinsberg, Allan Green Eggs and HamSeuss, Dr./ Geisel, The Kite RunnerHosseini, Khaled <- Previous Post Next Post ->